Tuesday, March 8, 2011

90 Days....

Ladies and Gentleman, it is my utmost pleasure to announce to you that.......THE UGANDA DATES HAVE BEEN RELEASED! I was so excited, I think I almost peed myself (did I say that out loud?). It's real! It's really real and really happening! If you open your windows for a moment and listen closely, you may hear squeals of excitement coming from the direction of Clermont, Florida....

Without further ado, here they are:

June 6th-20th

Did anyone else notice something here? If you have been tuned into my life much recently, you may have noticed that I graduate on May 29th, move out of Florida on May 31st, and then I will fly to Uganda June 6th.....could the timing be any crazier? I think not, my friend! Jesus is going to be hearing a whole lot of overwhelmed prayers around that time-frame.

There you have it, my dear! The ticking time bomb of destiny that is my Uganda trip has officially begun. 90 days until I fly out of America to go smother kisses upon the beautiful faces of the unsuspecting children of Uganda. 90 days, 90 days, 90 days......

Stay tuned as I will be announcing upcoming fundraisers soon!