
My name is Sarah Slankard and I'm a young adult responding to God's calling on my life...

Missions and orphans have been in my heart ever since I can remember. Staying in the United States all my life has not been an option. Here in America, we have unlimited access to the Gospel. This is not so in most places across the world. Not a day goes by where I'm not thinking and planning about what I'm going to do about this.
So when the opportunity comes for me to go to across the world, I jump on it! And this is the product: Uganda Considered...
This site is about my journey to the my calling, which starts long before I ever get on the plane. It will hold fun(d)raisers, sales, and thoughts as I work my way abroad. During my journey, I will have to acquire substantial financial support and I'm wholly depending on the generosity of people and the provision of God - of which, I have abundant faith in.

This is about more than traveling to a foreign country.

This is about bringing hope.

This is about loving the loveless.

This is about adventure.

And none of us will ever be the same...

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