Monday, May 16, 2011

Beanie Drive!


Yes my friends. The time has come for an awesome fun(d)raiser (perhaps I should even say - a "rad" fun(d)raiser). What could it possibly be?? Let me explain. Well, ever seen one of these guys?

Of course you have. Anyone who didn't live under a rock in the 90's knows the craze of the Beanie Baby (and those who did live under a rock still probably had Beanie Babies shipped to them). Perhaps, if you were a geek like some of the people in my family, you collected them and are still waiting for the rad fad to come back so you can hit the jackpot and retire early from your impending bounty of wealth. Well sorry to burst your bubble but....


Done crying? Ok. So lean in close; here's the plan (I'll let you get in on this):

I am starting...........A Beanie Baby Orphanage. Here's how it will work: I've gathered up a bunch of "orphaned" Beanie Babies collected off the dusty streets shelves to provide the opportunity for you (yes, YOU) to adopt one for a donation of at least $5.00 (please). All the money earned from the sale of these little guys will go towards the $3100 I need to make our delivery of these tiny friends and Jesus to the tiny orphans of Africa! Your adopted Beanie Baby will then travel with me to Africa and I will safely deliver it to a beautiful child in Uganda from YOU! (I promise to buckle their seat belts on the airplane!)

Snappy plan right? I cannot wait to see the faces of these children when I deliver a sweet gift from someone in America who loves them! Come on now, don't you remember the verse from the Bible, "If anyone gives a Beanie Baby, in My name, to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, he will certainly not lose his reward..."? (Sarah's paraphrase of Mark 9:41!)

So! let's get down to business. If you would like to adopt a Beanie Baby, contact me (I have received some wonderful donations, so I've got plenty) so we can send off as many little friends for the kids as possible when I leave in....18 DAYS!!!!!

P.S. Don't forget about my garage sale! Any help with this would be great!

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