Wednesday, June 1, 2011

*Drum roll*

Well, my friends, the time has come to announce the winner of the Beanie Drive!! I know you have been waiting anxiously on this site, pressing refresh with an increasing impatience every hour! No need for that; the waiting is over!

..........Well let me tell you about my week first. Packing, packing, and more packing! And a little shopping. Well, a lot of shopping. But hey, I got my whole room packed to move, my sister's whole room packed to move, got all my Africa bags packed (!!!!), and graduated. And it's only Tuesday!

Ok! Now hold your breath, give me a drum roll, and here we go...

The winner!

Of the Beanie Drive!

(Receiving the lovely Show Hope shirt)


Our dear friend, Amanda Little!

She contacted me saying she wanted to sponsor Beanie Babies in the names of each of her many nieces and nephews so "when they get to heaven some child they never met gives em a big hug :) won't that be awesome!!!!"....Oh. Just melt my heart now. So sweet.

Amanda, I'm so grateful for you and I pray God showers blessings on you!

Thank you so much to the rest of you who either donated Beanies or sponsored them. I cannot wait to see the looks on the kids faces when I give them to them!!!! It wakes me up at night and I can't sleep can you tell?!! I love you all so much!

Can you believe it's just TWO more days till I'm on that plane out of America? It's insane!

I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Woo hooo! Love it!